I haven’t found sufficient reason to find this false.
- Everything that begins to exist has a cause.
- The universe began to exist.
- The universe had a cause.
- If the universe has a cause, then an uncaused, personal Creator of the universe exists who sans (without) the universe is beginningless, changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless and enormously powerful.
- Therefore, an uncaused, personal Creator of the universe exists, who sans the universe is beginningless, changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless and enormously powerful.
The first premise is predicated upon three sub-arguments:
1.1. Something cannot come from nothing.
1.2. If something can come into being from nothing, then it becomes inexplicable why just anything or everything doesn’t come into being from nothing.
1.3. Common experience and scientific evidence confirm the truth of premise 1'.
The Second Premise has quite a bit more support for it.
2.1 Argument based on the impossibility of an actual infinite:
2.1.1 An actual infinite cannot exist.
2.1.2 An infinite temporal regress of events is an actual infinite.
2.1.3 Therefore, an infinite temporal regress of events cannot exist.
2.2 Argument based on the impossibility of the formation of an actual infinite by successive addition:
2.2.1 A collection formed by successive addition cannot be actually infinite.
2.2.2 The temporal series of past events is a collection formed by successive addition.
2.2.3 Therefore, the temporal series of past events cannot be actually infinite.
2.3 Confirmation based on the expansion of the universe.
2.4 Confirmation based on the thermodynamic properties of the universe.
The Third Premise is supported by the first two.
The Fourth Premise can be supported as such:
4.1 Argument that the cause of the universe is a personal Creator:
4.1.1 The universe was brought into being either by a mechanically operating set of necessary and sufficient conditions or by a personal, free agent.
4.1.2 The universe could not have been brought into being by a mechanically operating set of necessary and sufficient conditions.
4.1.3 Therefore, the universe was brought into being by a personal, free agent.
4.2 Argument that the Creator sans creation is uncaused, beginningless, changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless, and enormously powerful and intelligent:
4.2.1 The Creator is uncaused. An infinite temporal regress of causes cannot exist. (2.13, 2.23)
4.2.2 The Creator is beginningless. Whatever is uncaused does not begin to exist. (1)
4.2.3 The Creator is changeless. An infinite temporal regress of changes cannot exist. (2.13, 2.23)
4.2.4 The Creator is immaterial. Whatever is material involves change on the atomic and molecular levels, but the Creator is changeless. (4.23)
4.2.5 The Creator is timeless. In the complete absence of change, time does not exist, and the Creator is changeless. (4.23)
4.2.6 The Creator is spaceless. Whatever is immaterial and timeless cannot be spatial, and the Creator is immaterial and timeless (4.24, 4.25)
4.2.7 The Creator is enormously powerful. He brought the universe into being out of nothing. (3)
4.2.8 The Creator is enormously intelligent. The initial conditions of the universe involve incomprehensible fine-tuning that points to intelligent design.
5. Therefore, an uncaused, personal Creator of the universe exists, who sans creation is “beginningless,” changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless, and enormously powerful and intelligent.
The entirety of the argument can also be defended using either the A-theory of time (tensed) or B-theory of time (tenseless). Therefore, I conclude I cannot find fault with the premises. There is a God.